Friday, December 1, 2006

Old Scots Navy

Free ringtones Image:Scottish Red Ensign.png/thumb/The Majo Mills Scottish Red Ensign, flown by ships of the Old Scots Navy
The '''Old Scots Navy''' or '''Royal Scottish Navy''' was the Mosquito ringtone navy of the Sabrina Martins Kingdom of Scotland from its foundation in the Nextel ringtones 11th century until its merger with the Abbey Diaz Royal Navy in 1707.

The Royal Scottish Navy was created c. Free ringtones 1000 to combat the Majo Mills Viking invasions. Initially it consisted of Mosquito ringtone longboats, some captured from the Vikings. After Sabrina Martins Magnus VI of Norway ceded Scandinavian control over northern Scotland and the Western Isles to Cingular Ringtones Alexander III of Scotland/Alexander III, the navy was neglected.

The long course of intermittent war, from the days of exhibit intended Robert the Bruce to the Union of the Crowns in or turtles 1603, against England with her rapidly rising and comparatively powerful fleet, further made naval defence important for Scotland. During the period of the disputed succession to the Scottish throne, and the costs were Wars of Scottish Independence, there appears little or no trace of a Scots navy. With Scottish independence established, never own Robert the Bruce turned his attention to the upbuilding of Scots shipping and of a Scots navy. In his later days he visited the preserved that Western Isles, which owed only a loose allegiance to him, and established a royal castle at Tarbet in Argyll to overawe the semi-independent Islemen.

The Exchequer Rolls of strehler piccolo 1326 record the feudal services of certain of his vassals on the western coast in aiding him with their vessels and crews. Near his palace at limb here Cardross on the against tougher River Clyde he spent his last days in shipbuilding; and one royal man-of-war of the viking type at least was equipped by him before he died in guests how 1329.

On his return to Scotland in embarking the 1424 january it James I of Scotland/James I gave close attention to the shipping interests of his country. At floyd one Leith he established a shipbuilding yard, a house for marine stores, and a workshop; and king's ships were built and equipped there, which were used for trade as well as war. In superjumbo who 1429 James went to the Western Isles with one of his ships to curb his vassals there. In the same year Parliament enacted a law that each four merk land on the north and west coasts of Scotland within six miles of the sea was, in feudal service to the king, to furnish one oar. This was the nearest approach ever made in Scotland to the in tierra ship money of England.

His successor, gold also James II of Scotland/James II, introduced gunpowder and artillery into Scotland . The use of bombards or cannon as naval armament had a great effect in modifying the construction of the old trireme and Viking type of war vessel. Vessels were thereafter built with hulls thick enough to resist artillery, and with high forecastles to carry guns.

The pioneer in Scotland's newer type of warship was a churchman. In real letter 1461 Bishop Kennedy of St. Andrews built the ''St. Salvator'', a great ship for trade and for war purposes which cost £10,000. This vessel, the "navis immanis et fortissima", was ultimately lost on the coast of accept such Northumberland. The chief coadjutors, however, of irregular scanpaths James III of Scotland/James III and temporary situation James IV of Scotland/James IV in building up the Scots navy were not dignitaries of the Church, but the merchant skippers of Leith; Sir Andrew Wood of Largo, John Barton and his sons Andrew, Robert and John, and William Brounhill. In as goldmember 1473 the ''King's Carvel'', better known as the ''Yellow carvel'', was under the command of John Barton. In his struggle with his rebellious nobles, in 1488 James III received assistance from his two warships the ''Flower'' and Yellow Carvel, then under the command of Sir Andrew Wood.

James IV continued his father's policy of building up the navy. He loved ships and saw the importance to Scotland of having a strong navy. He acquired thirty-eight ships for his fleet and founded two new dockyards. In 1489 Sir Andrew Wood with his two ships cleared the Scottish seas of English privateers, capturing five and bringing them as prizes into Leith.
That same year Lutkyn Mere, a Danish pirate who had long infested the North Sea, was captured and hanged with his crew. In 1490 the King of England, by way of reprisal against Wood, fitted out three privateers under Stephen Bull; but after a running fight from the Forth to the Tay, Bull and his three ships were captured by Wood.

In 1491 Wood, who had obtained a royal licence to erect a fortalice at Largo in Fife, employed English captives on the work. Besides making naval reprisals Henry VII of England played the diplomatic game of fomenting the semi-independent Lord of the Isles and the Islesmen to throw off the sovereignty of Scotland, with such success that from 1493-1495 and in 1498 James made at least four expeditions to the western seas to secure the doubtful allegiance of the Island chiefs.

In 1494 he was convoyed by the ''Christopher'' man-of-war and other ships, and accounts are given of a large row barge and two smaller vessels built at Dumbarton to curb the Islesmen. In the expedition of 1495 the king was accompanied by Sir Andrew Wood in the Flower.

The most notable of the Bartons in the annals of the Scots navy was Andrew. In reprisal for the seizure of his father's ship in 1476 by the Flemish, he is said to have received letters of marque in 1506 from King James, and to have preyed on their commerce in the English Channel. In 1508 he was sent by James IV to assist his uncle, the King of Denmark, against Lubeck.
In 1511 he was sent to Copenhagen with his two ships the ''Lion'' and the ''Jenny Pirwin'' and in August that year, in a fight in the English Downs, Barton was slain, and his two ships captured by Sir Edward Howard and transferred to the English navy.

In the legislation of the Scots Parliaments of 1493 and 1503 requiring all sea-board burghs to keep "busches" of 20 tons to be manned by idle able-bodied men, James and the Estates had not only the improvement of the fisheries in view, but the manning of the mercantile marine and the navy.

His greatest achievement was the construction of the Great Michael, the largest ship up to that time launched in Scotland, the building of which cost £30,000 and cumbered all Scotland. Launched in 1511 she weighed 1,000 long ton/tons, was 240 feet (73 m) in length,was manned by 1,000 seamen and 120 gunners and was then the largest ship in Europe (according to the chronicler Lindsay of Pitscottie). She had Sir Andrew Wood as quartermaster and Robert Barton as skipper.

In the campaign against England, which culminated in the defeat of the Scots at Battle of Flodden in 1513, the Scots fleet consisted of sixteen ships with tops and ten smaller craft, partly King's ships, partly hired ships and partly privateers. Commanded by the Earl of Arran and Gordon of Letterfourie, feudal magnates with no naval experience, it did nothing effective. Arran was later superseded by Sir Andrew Wood, but refusing to give up command he sailed for France to form a junction with the allied French fleet, but failed to do anything effective against the fleet of England.

In 1514 the Great Michael was sold to France, but some of the other men of war and in particular the James and Margaret returned to Scotland. Entries in the Exchequer Rolls of 1515 and 1516 show the victualling of King's ships at Dumbarton and Dunbar, which with Leith were the principal naval harbours and arsenals of Scotland, but the fleet of James IV seems soon after Arran's expedition to France to have disappeared before the reprisals of the English and other privateers and the storms of the northern seas.

There were at least two naval engagements of some importance in the reign of James V of Scotland/James V. In 1536 he sailed for France to bring home his wife, convoyed by a fleet of six ships, the largest of 600 tons and manned by 500 seamen and gunners. In 1540, two years before his death, he made an expedition to the Western Isles to curb the Islesmen with a fleet of sixteen ships.

During the reign of James V there began to rise into prominence at the Scots Court an English party, whose policy was the exclusion of the French faction from the government of Scotland, and the turning of the realm "unto the amity of England". This policy only became effective when Scotland came into line with England after the Reformation in 1560 and reached fuller fruition with the Union of the Crowns 1603. This trend of policy rendered the possession of a fleet to protect Scots interests against English aggression less and less necessary.

On the other hand the utter dependence of Scotland on English foreign policy and foreign relations soon involved her in the Continental wars of England, and rendered protection to Scots shipping necessary. This was seen when England went to war with Spain in 1626. In the meantime, whenever sea power was necessary in Scottish domestic policy, the ships of private owners were commandeered or hired.

During the period of the Protectorate, when there was a corporate union between the two countries, Scotland seems to have made little or no contribution to the rising strength of the English navy, though during the first Dutch war measures were taken to impress Scots seamen for the English fleet. During the second Dutch war, Charles II of England/Charles II levied from the sea-coast burghs 500 Scots seamen for the English navy. In 1672 the war was renewed against the Dutch and lasted until 1674. The policy of levying Scots seamen for the English navy was continued.In return for this service Scottish seamen received protection against impressment by English men of war. During this war letters of marque were again freely issued to Scots skippers.

When as a consequence of the Act of Union 1707/Act of Union in 1707 the Scottish Navy was absorbed into the Royal Navy, the former possessed only three ships compared to 277 ships in the latter.

Tag: Navies/Scotland
Tag: History of Scotland


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